Pope Francis' public positions still manage to surprise with the themes addressed. Pope Francis criticized a macho culture that treats women ""as a second-class human being'' and assured that "those who take the world forward are women". The statements were made on the occasion of receiving a delegation from the Spanish organization Manos Unidas. "We are used to this macho culture, to seeing women not as the dog or the cat of the house, but as a second-class human being and we forget that those who take the world forward are women and, as some say, they are the ones who lead", said Pope Francis. The Vatican leader added: "Women carry a family forward, they carry the people forward, they approach those in need with that rich sensitivity of women". During the audience, the pope recounted an incident from a meeting with the president of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen. "She is a doctor and a mother of seven children. And one day I said to her: "You solved a very difficult problem, with Belgium, the Netherlands, with a lot of money, you solved it well' and I asked her: "Well, how did you solve it?' She started gesturing... and she answered me: "As we mothers do'". The pope added: "Women have this genius, the feminine genius and the compassion and tenacity that characterize the feminine spirit". The pope has repeatedly stood up for women and their fundamental rights.
Pope, a clear position in favor of women
English Section / 11 decembrie 2024