Positive and negative addictions, debated by students with anti-drug experts

English Section / 31 ianuarie 2024

Positive and negative addictions, debated by students with anti-drug experts

Versiunea în limba română

The problem of drug use is a major one, especially among young people. The anti-drug expert Cătălin Ţone held, in Oradea, an interactive conference, on the Norwegian model, with 400 students, called "Drugs - from fascination to addiction", where a former user also presented his story. Thus, the students were asked what they know about drugs and they also learned many lesser-known details about the so-called natural, "contaminated" and sprayed drugs, about their long-term effects on the brain, but also about the legal criminalization of anti-drug, with imprisonment between 3 and 15 years for domestic drug trafficking or even up to 20 years for international trafficking. Cătălin Ţone declared: "We are trying to bring a new concept, inspired by the Nordic countries, namely interactive conferences, with prizes, we talk with them, we ask them what they know about drugs, we try to interest them. We come with a book, real story of a case in the professional field, a Răzvan teenager, addicted to marijuana, with all the inherent problems".

The expert communicated with the students on the subject of addictions, negative or positive, highlighting addiction to alcohol, tobacco, gambling, but also those that can make life beautiful: sports, reading, music, painting, the pursuit of success and fulfillment personal goals and above all, love. "Always choose positive addictions!", finally, Cătălin Ţone advised him. These conferences will continue in the next period, after Marghita and Oradea, in a tour of 14 conferences, in Arad, Satu Mare, Baia Mare and Sighetu Marmaţiei. Cătălin Ţone mentioned that, according to the Superior Council of Forensic Medicine, at the Obregia Hospital, which has a psychiatry department for minors, the number of drug-addicted minors with hospitalization has increased five times in the last two years. According to Cătălin Ţone, our country has not yet perfected an effective system for treating drug addiction and subsequently, for the recovery and reintegration of users. The authorities still have some initiatives in the anti-drug field, he pointed out, there are four legislative projects pending, including for the establishment of eight clinics for the treatment of drug addictions, the anti-drug budget at the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been supplemented by one billion lei and is being discussed already of an international cooperation in the European Ports Alliance. There are also concerns for increasing the number of staff in prevention and treatment. The National Anti-Drug Agency published, on February 20, 2023, the National Report on the situation of drugs in Romania, highlighting the fact that the highest consumption rate is recorded in the 15-34 age group, 10.7% of those aged between 15 - 64 years have consumed at least one type of illicit drug throughout their life, and cannabis is the most consumed drug.

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