Positive Signal: Majority of Students Support Drug Testing in Schools

English Section / 12 aprilie 2024

Positive Signal: Majority of Students Support Drug Testing in Schools

Versiunea în limba română

At the forefront of the battle against drugs, students are reacting positively. Understanding best what goes on around them, most are willing to collaborate with authorities to curb this scourge. More than half (60.2%) of over 20,000 students who responded to the drug questionnaire conducted by the Bucharest Prefecture agree to the introduction of drug testing in schools, with 50% supporting periodic blood tests to detect substances in the blood. According to the Bucharest Prefecture, 77.2% of students who responded to the questionnaire believe that introducing drug prevention courses into the school curriculum would be very beneficial for young people. Additionally, 61% of respondents believe that people who consume prohibited substances are more likely to have conditions rather than being criminals. Several months ago, the Bucharest Prefecture initiated a public debate regarding the introduction of measures to prevent the use of prohibited substances and drugs among young people and students in Bucharest schools. In this regard, the Bucharest Prefect, Rareş Hopincă, announced the conduct of a comprehensive survey throughout Bucharest, with over 20,000 students responding. The signal is positive, but resolving the problem requires firm and rapid measures, as any delay could lead to the destruction of families.

Funding for "Green Week" Activities

The Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, announced the launch of public consultation on the methodology that establishes how schools can receive funding for activities during the "Green Week." The total budget allocated for the years 2024 and 2025 is 100,000,000 lei and is differentiated by county, including the Municipality of Bucharest, based on the number of preschool, primary, and secondary school students enrolled. "Funding can be obtained based on schools' enrollment in the program at the school inspectorates. According to the draft launched for consultation, schools can enroll from May to September 2024. The methodology also establishes the participation conditions, eligible activities, as well as the schedule of all activities," Deca announced. The Minister specified that all state preschool, primary, lower secondary, or upper secondary education institutions with legal personality can apply for funding. Participating institutions must submit an enrollment form to the county School Inspectorates or the ISMB within the specified deadlines. The project stipulates that all participating education institutions meeting the participation conditions will receive funding. "If there are education institutions that do not enroll by the deadline or within a grace period of up to one week after the expiry of this deadline, their budgets will be allocated to other education institutions in the same county/Municipality of Bucharest, at the decision of the school inspectorate. The criteria for allocating additional budgets will be established at the level of the school inspectorate," the project stipulates.

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