Praktiker Sales Up 56,4% in Romania

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 4 aprilie 2007

Sales and revenues of German group Praktiker Bau- und Heimwerkermarkte saw significant growth in 2006, net sales reaching 3,16 billion EUR in turnover, up 4,2 % compared to 2005. The group posted 84,1 million EUR in net profit, up 8,4% year-on-year.

In 2006, Praktiker Romania consolidated its position as leader on the DIY market. The company reported sales totaling 153,6 million EUR, increasing by over 56% compared to 2005. The Praktiker chain expanded by 5 stores, reaching 16 stores in Romania. The company plans to continue this expansion process in our country and reach 30 stores. In 2006, Praktiker opened 8 new stores, of which 5 in Romania, 2 in Bulgaria and one in Greece. Sales in Romania and Bulgaria account for 22% of the group"s total sales.

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