PRIME MINISTER EMIL BOC: The government is not just paying lip service when saying that infrastructure is a priority

Tradus de Cosmin Ghidoveanu
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 4 iunie 2009

The modernization of DN7 Sebeş - Arad will be completed three months ahead of schedule

Paula Bulzan,


The rehabilitation works for DN7 will be completed three months ahead of schedule, with the delivery of the works to take place in July, Prime Minister Emil Boc announced yesterday in Nădlac, Arad county. The prime Minister said: "The entire Sebeş - Nădlac road segment will be completed ahead of the initial deadline of October 2009, in July to be exact. It is proof that we"re not just paying lip service when we say that infrastructure is not a priority". Yesterday was inaugurated the road segment between Arad and Nădlac, which is part of DN7. The Prime Minister added public infrastructure investments are the best solution in times of crisis, because apart from improving comfort, create new jobs.

In turn, the Minister of Transport, Radu Berceanu, said he was happy with the quality of the works, but he said the construction of a parking lot for trucks was urgent. The Minister also discussed the DN-7 segment, which also serves as a beltway for Arad: "Beginning with the Arad beltway, we are launching a system that I feel is more fair towards the local authorities. The national road administration will take over the management of part of the road going toward the city, the traffic will be diverted towards the national road while the beltway is repaired, then the road segment inside the city will undergo repairs, so as not to affect the population in the area", said the Minister of Transports, Radu Berceanu.

DN 7 Sebeş - Deva - Arad - Nădlac, which is considered the most heavily trafficked highway in the Western part of Romania, last underwent maintenance in 1995. The current maintenance works are funded using supplier credit, meaning the company that won the auction will pay for the works itself, and upon completion it will receive compensation from the government.

According to the technical project, the works will include the removal of the old asphalt layer and the application of two layers of asphalt mix. The curvature of the road has also been corrected, all the bridges more than two meters wide were reconditioned, new bulwarks were installed and the ditches were repaired. The contractor, Spedition UMB Bacău offers a 10 year guarantee.

Approximately 30,000 cars travel this road every day. The entire project cost 740 million lei, of which 435 million represent the value of the works made in the county of Arad.

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