Politicians also think, from time to time, about high-achieving students. The good news is that all the medal students will enjoy their work. Thus, students who have obtained distinctions, medals, prizes in competitions other than those in the lists approved annually by the Ministry of Education can be awarded by the local public administration authorities, according to a project initiated by parliamentarians and adopted by the Senate on Monday. According to an amendment admitted to the specialized commission: "The local/county council/General Council of the Municipality of Bucharest can provide funds for awarding students who have obtained distinctions, medals, prizes and in other competitions than those in the lists approved annually by the Ministry of Education, as well as to those who obtained an average of 10 in the National Evaluation exam, in the Baccalaureate exam and the teaching staff who took care of their training, within the limits of the approved budget and under the conditions of the approved regulations". The legislative initiative aims to complete article 144 of the Pre-University Education Law no. 198/2023, with a new paragraph, respectively para. (5'), which establishes the legal framework that provides local councils. county or the General Council of the Municipality of Bucharest the possibility to grant these financial incentives, it is explained in the statement of reasons. The legislative proposal will be subject to debate and adoption by the Chamber of Deputies, the decision-making body in this case. Until the final vote, students must prepare for competitions.
Prizes for all students who get medals in competitions
English Section / 10 aprilie 2024