PRM Endorses Gigi Becali For MEP

Tradus de Andrei Năstase
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 9 aprilie 2009


Businessman Gigi Becali will run for the European Parliament as a candidate of the Greater Romania Party (PRM) upon the invitation of PRM leader Corneliu Vadim Tudor to take the second position on the list of candidates. Tudor will be on top of the list.

PRM Secretary General Gheorghe Funar yesterday stated that Becali had accepted PRM"s invitation on Tuesday. According to Funar, Tudor and Becali (who is currently under arrest for abduction) had had "an exchange of opinions" through Becali"s lawyer, Gheorghita Meteut, Agerpres announced.

PRM President Corneliu Vadim Tudor late last week said he would offer Becali the second position on the list of candidates "for no pragmatic reason" and denied rumours that Becali"s New Generation Party - Christian Democrat (PNG-CD) and PRM were preparing an alliance.

Upon making the announcement, Vadim said: "I have decided to offer a brotherly hand to Gigi Becali and invite him to take the second place on the list, as an idealistic and selfless gesture. It is an eligible position because a lot is going to happen until June. This is not about forging an alliance between PRM and PNG-CD because time is of the essence. I am inviting my younger fellow to run on PRM"s list in order to secure success." In his opinion, the case of Ilie Ilascu, who was elected a Senator on PRM"s lists while he was in jail, would repeat with Becali.

PRM Vice President Lucian Bolcas said he had nothing against the idea to invite Becali to run for PRM and stressed that he was not interested in the European Parliament elections for personal reasons. Bolcas said the voice of a Christian and a nationalist in the European Parliament would be welcome.

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