Prodplast Estimates 8.7 Mio RON Investments

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 30 aprilie 2008

Prodplast is planning to invest 8.7 million RON this year as per the budget approved by the shareholders. The company estimates a Y2008 gross profit of 4.07 million RON resulting from revenues of 75.02 million RON and expenses of 70.94 million RON. The shareholders also approved the action plan and the investments required to relocate an existing factory and to build a new one. The company concluded last year with a net profit of 4.39 million RON, up by 11% y/y, and a turnover of 64.42 million RON. Revenues totaled 68.63 million RON, whereas expenses reached 63.45 million RON.

Prodplast has a share capital of 37.85 million RON divided into 37.85 million shares with a face value of 1 RON. The main shareholders are Nord SA with 24.12%, SIF Oltenia with 10.77%, SIF Banat - Crisana with 8.36%, RC2 - Cyprus with 5.09%, Broadhurst Investments Ltd. With 11.65% and Raiffeisen Zentralbank with 5.44%. Prodplast shares are traded on BSE Tier 2 as PPL. On 25 April, the quotation was 3.3 RON/share.
