Project - prohibition of political propaganda in educational institutions

English Section / 4 octombrie 2023

Project - prohibition of political propaganda in educational institutions

Versiunea în limba română

Schools must remain outside of political games. The REPER Party is proposing a legislative amendment and clarification of the education law to prohibit recruitment and political propaganda in schools. This initiative follows an incident that occurred at the beginning of the academic year, involving members of AUR (Alliance for the Union of Romanians). REPER Deputy Andrei Lupu will submit a legislative proposal that prohibits political parties from conducting political propaganda in schools and their immediate vicinity: "The extremism of AUR requires us to react promptly. Actions in which young people are encouraged to abandon their studies to engage in politics cannot be tolerated. As long as we do not want to repeat the interwar period when the Legionary Movement and anti-Semitic extremism were based on mobilizing young people from high schools and universities, we are obliged to take swift and tough measures. We cannot rely on the restraint of politicians, especially in the case of extremists from AUR." In turn, the co-chair of REPER, Ramona Strugariu, said that the party appeals to parties that do not want the country to deviate from European values to support the legislative project: "Against neo-fascism, the collaboration of all democratic forces in Parliament is needed, which is why REPER appeals to parties that do not want the country to deviate from European values to support this initiative." The legislative proposal will prohibit political parties from organizing any political propaganda activities, from rallies to the distribution of leaflets or other materials published by candidates or political parties in educational institutions and their immediate vicinity. Actions such as debates on social or political topics organized by teachers, students, or students, independent of political parties, will not be included in this prohibition. The Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) was accused by the Student League of SNSPA (National University of Political Studies and Public Administration) of political propaganda at the opening of the academic year, where representatives of the political party distributed flyers with various messages. "This political party discourages students from pursuing higher education," students conveyed, and George Simion stated that the messages were endorsed. "We support 100% what is in those leaflets; it is an endorsed message," said the leader of AUR. In turn, SNSPA Rector Remus Pricopie stated that George Simion organized a "classic legionnaire-fascist attack in the academic space," which cannot be tolerated.
