Projects financed by PNRR to reduce school dropout

English Section / 28 iunie 2024

Projects financed by PNRR to reduce school dropout

Versiunea în limba română

Dropout is a major problem for indigenous education. The Ministry of Education announces the launch of the call for projects "PNRAS grant scheme - Round II (series III)", financed by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, which aims to prevent and reduce school dropout. Thus, the state pre-university education units can obtain grants for the prevention and reduction of school dropouts at the secondary school level, the improvement of the results obtained by students in the eighth grade national assessment, as well as for the improvement of the transition from lower to upper secondary education. According to the ministry: "The call is aimed at state secondary education units with high and medium risk of abandonment and early school leaving (PTŞ), eligible under the PNRAS Grant Scheme - Round II (series III), which can apply in their own name or through local public authorities in order to increase the access and participation of disadvantaged groups in education and to strengthen skills, for remedial education and to accelerate learning". The total financial allocation of this call for projects is 105 million euros, excluding VAT. "Educational units that received funding in round I and round II (series I and series II PNRAS) are not eligible for this call. Also, educational units that have under 50 students in the secondary school cycle and that do not have obtained funding within the PNRAS Small Schools call, but they can be found in Annex 17, they are eligible for this call", states the Ministry of Education.

The funding request will be submitted exclusively online, through the dedicated web platform available, until July 31, 2024, but the platform will be accessible for submitting projects starting from July 9.
