Projects with European Funding in Râşnov

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 27 ianuarie 2009

Râşnov has prepared several projects backed by European or government funding, which it has submitted for approval, and has already received the necessary funding for them. The mayor of Râşnov, Adrian Veştea, said that a 9,49 million lei project was already approved, with funding accessed through the PHARE 2006 program, its goal being the expansion and rehabilitation of the sewer grid of the Florilor and Primăverii neighborhoods. Another project is tied to the rehabilitation and expansion of Râşnov"s water grid, with funding provided by the Ministry of Environment. The 37 million required for this investment have already been secured.

On the Priority Axis 2 of the Operational Regional Program (POR), the submitted project, dealing with the improvement of the transport infrastructure in the historic center of the city and ensuring access to the areas of tourist attractions was approved, with a total value of 8,54 million lei.

Other projects submitted for approval are the creation of a biathlon sports center, for which a 5 million lei investment is expected, but which would receive 50% co financing from the local authorities. Another project is the expansion of the General School no. 2, which requires more than 6,3 million lei, the rehabilitation of parks and the creation of leisure facilities in Râşnov"s neighborhoods.
