QS ranking: University of Bucharest, the first in Romania in several fields

English Section / 14 martie

Photo source: https://unibuc.ro/despre-ub/cariere/ub-in-imagini/

Photo source: https://unibuc.ro/despre-ub/cariere/ub-in-imagini/

Versiunea în limba română

The University of Bucharest (UB) was designated the first university in Romania in the fields of Linguistics, Modern Languages, Philosophy, Computer Science and Information Technology and Chemistry, according to the ranking carried out by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS). In the 2025 edition of the QS World University Rankings by Subject, which highlights the performances of 1,730 universities from all over the world, the University of Bucharest achieved significant positions at international level: Linguistics and Modern Languages - range 201 - 250; Philosophy - range 201 - 225; Computer Science and Information Technology - range 501 - 550, together with the "Babeş-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca; Chemistry - range 601 - 700, alongside the National University of Science and Technology "Politehnica" Bucharest.

According to the educational institution, the University of Bucharest is the only higher education institution in Romania present in the ranking in the fields of Linguistics and Philosophy. In addition, UB ranks second nationally in the fields of Mathematics (range 301 - 350 worldwide) and Physics (range 501 - 550 worldwide).

The QS World University Rankings by Subject evaluates the performance of universities based on essential indicators, such as academic reputation, the number of citations of published works, reputation among employers, the impact and quality of research (h-index), as well as the efficiency of inter-institutional collaborations (IRN). Thanks to these results, the University of Bucharest is positioned in three of the five fundamental areas analyzed by QS, namely: Arts and Humanities, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences and Management, thus consolidating its prestige internationally.

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