Raiffeisen Bank, Raiffeisen Asset Management Introduce Fund Units With 10% Interest

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 5 aprilie 2007

Raiffeisen Bank and Raiffeisen Asset Management have introduced a promotional offer of fund units and deposits bearing an interest rate of 10 percent. The customer will make available an amount that will be distributed between the two products (deposit and fund units) so that the sum in the deposit be to least equal to that invested in fund units (Raiffeisen Prosper or Raiffeisen Benefit).

The minimum sum to be invested is 4,000 RON (2,000 RON in a 3-month deposit bearing 10% interest and 2,000 RON in fund units). Raiffeisen Asset Management is the third fund management company in Romania and launched the two investment funds - Raiffeisen Benefit and Raiffeisen Prosper - in the second half of 2006.

