Raiffeisen Leasing Concluded Contracts Worth 165 Mln EUR in 2006

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 2 aprilie 2007

Raiffeisen Leasing IFN SA last year secured contracts worth over 165 million EUR, up 25% from 2005. Of the company"s total portfolio, the vehicle segmnt accounts for nearly 80% (contracts worth 130 million EUR), while equipments account for 20%. The equipment segment showed a nearly 50% growth compared to the previous year.

In 2006,the company posted approximately 6 million EUR in net profit, on a turnover of 227 million EUR. The total value of the company"s portfolio surpassed 200 million EUR on December 31st 2006, the company concluding over 13.000 contracts.

Raiffeisen Leasing will focus this year on financial solutions for real estate projects, public sector projects and equipment acquisition. Raiffeisen Leasing is a member of the Leasing and Non Banking Financial Services Association (ALB) since 2004. Raiffeisen Leasing IFN SA, part of Austrian group Raiffeisen International, has a share capital of 14.935.400 RON. Raiffeisen - Leasing International G.m.b.H. holds 99,9% in the company.

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