Residential Builders Seek New Concepts

Tradus de Andrei Năstase
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 24 aprilie 2009

Ovidiu Vrânceanu, BRAŞOV

The 8th Edition of the construction fair Camex is taking place in the Sports Hall of Brasov City on 23-26 April, gathering approximately 90 companies from the construction industry. Specialists attending the event are prepared to offer efficient solutions for building or renovating a home.

Exhibitors have prepared some of the newest and most innovative solutions in the business for homes and gardens, including a variety of solar power systems and fibre glass bath tubs with embedded hydro- and aero-massage options. Camex Brasov 2009 will host several presentations, seminars and conferences on various topics, including "Brasov Historical City Centre - Current Status and Prospects," "The Traditional Buildings" Need to Breathe," "Building Heating & Cooling Systems With Radiant Surfaces," "Modern and Efficient Solutions for Natural Lighting" or "Photovoltaic Systems Integration Into Buildings."

Adriana Iftimie, Executive Director of the Construction Companies Association, yesterday said that "the crisis period can be a chance for building companies to recover," despite current difficulties and the need to bid dumping prices in order to survive. "I would like to emphasize that consumers in the European Union and Romania are seeking new home concepts, such as the Passive Home or the Green Energy Home," she said.

"For the time being, the situation in the construction business is similar to what is happening in the entire economy. We are going through a crisis that is pushing companies into very difficult circumstances. Although there are requests for quotation, contracts are often not signed. Construction companies are struggling to survive. The construction industry was the engine of the Romanian economy in the last 2-3 years. April used to bring a boom in the construction business, but this is not the case this year, but the contrary," Iftimie added.

"The private construction sector is stagnating as bids are submitted only for small public works - such as school or road repairs and sewerage maintenance. The construction business means a lot of money. When banks resume lending, we will have a lot to do. Now companies are going through hard times and have to let people go. Sometimes as much as two thirds of their employees," Iftimie added.

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