Roman SA Factory To Open In The UAE

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 11 decembrie 2007

Brasov-based businessman Ioan Neculae and Dubai Investments are discussing the possibility of having Brasov-based truck maker Roman SA implement an assembly line in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). "It is a project of considerable size. They will provide the investment and we the know-how and the trucks to be assembled there," said Neculae. He is very pleased that the tenders won by Roman SA to provide several hundred trucks to US troops stationed in Iraq have drawn the attention of UAE investors. "It would be great for Romania too, because exporting 10,000 trucks per year is no small potatoes," said Neculae. "We will prepare everything here and then send the parts to the Emirates for assembly," he added. Dubai Investments was established in 1995 and has over 25,000 investors, including the UAE Government, Emirates Bank International, National Bank of Dubai, Commercial Bank of Dubai and Emirates Islamic Bank.

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