Romania and Azerbaijan want to build a refinery

A.T.(Tradus de Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 2 octombrie 2009

Romania and Azerbaijan are looking to build a new refinery at the Black Sea, Tudor Şerban, the state secretary in the Ministry of the Economy said yesterday, during the Black Sea Energy and Economic Forum.

He said: "It is well known that all Romanian refineries have all been privatized. We are planning to build a refinery that would be owned by the Romanian state. There are countries in the Caspian area that prefer to have a direct relationship with another government instead of resorting to private companies".

Tudor Şerban also said that Azerbaijan wants to get involved in the Nabucco project and that Romania is the only country which offers a capacity of 7.3 billion cubic meters in order to receive natural gas from the Caspian region, provided the Nabucco pipeline is the first that gets completed.

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