Romania, Bulgaria Boost Praktiker Q1 2007 Sales

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 27 aprilie 2007

In January-March 2007, Praktiker"s overall sales reached 877,5 million EUR, gaining 22,3% compared to the corresponding period of 2006, when the company posted a net profit of 717,7 million EUR. The company"s new acquisition, Max Bahr, had a significant contribution to the Q1 2007 results, namely 119,7 million EUR.

International sales reached 206,5 milioane de euro, up 31% from Q1 2006, accounting for 23,5% of the Praktiker"s overall sales. The company"s sales in Central and Eastern Europe saw a significant increase, mainly due to growth on the Romanian and Bulgarian markets.

Established in 1978, the German group owns over 400 stores in 8 European countries:- Germany, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Turkey, Greece and Luxembourg. The Praktiker group ranks fourth among DIY retailers operating on European markets.

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