Digitization has become very important for the development of a country in today's context. The Portuguese digitalization expert Mario Campolargo participated in a series of meetings and events in our country under the title "The Digital Transformation of Europe", at the invitation of the Romanian Academy of Scientists. Campolargo was Secretary of State for Digitization and Administrative Modernization in the Government of Portugal, during the mandate of Prime Minister Antonio Costa, recently elected President of the European Council, and former Director General of DG Informatics DIGIT - European Union. Mario Campolargo's presence in Romania constituted, through the expertise and prestige of the European expert, through the series of meetings and debates that structured the agenda of the visit, an important event in the digitization process, which is ongoing in Romania, a complex, wide-ranging process , which has a role of major importance in the fields of education, science, research and knowledge and, as a whole, in the transformations in the areas of society and economy, being a support for progress and evolution, the representatives of the Academy of Scientists from Romania conveyed. His visit, the quoted source says, opens up important perspectives for collaboration in the field of the digitization process in our country and within the "Romania of Knowledge" Project. At the Romanian Academy of Scientists, Mario Campolargo met with the management team of the institution and members of the Academy and participated in the debate "The cloud vision in the new paradigm of digital transformation - The vision of "Cloud" in the new paradigm of digital transformation ", where representatives of some companies involved in the digital transformation process were also present. The European expert discussed with the Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitization, Bogdan Gruia Ivan, and with the president of the Authority for Digitization of Romania, Dragoş-Cristian Vlad, as well as with research and academic specialists. The meetings were also attended by prof. Dr. Eng. Doina Banciu, president of the Romanian Academy of Scientists, who spoke about the "Romania of Knowledge" Project, initiated by AOSR, and about the digitization of libraries.
"Romania of Knowledge" - digitization, a very important component
English Section / 2 iulie 2024