ROMANIAN SOCIAL DEMOCRATS TO CHALLENGE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OUTCOME Business people unhappy with the idea, worried it might cause political anarchy

MAKE (Tradus de Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 8 decembrie 2009

Politicians have a choice: to keep going ahead or pull over...

Politicians have a choice: to keep going ahead or pull over...

The conditions of the apocalyptic scenario suggested yesterday by BURSA were fulfilled when, after the Central Electoral Office (BEC) announced that Traian Băsescu won by a very thin margin, the secretary general of the PSD, Liviu Dragnea, said that the leaders of his party would challenge the outcome of the election, and when PNL, UDMR, PRM and the Green Party said they would request the recount of ballots cast by Romanians abroad.

Yesterday, BURSA published a visionary article, called "The dangerous fifty-fifty request a clear victory", in which they predicted the risk of anarchy, in case the elections were won by a wafer thin margin (see previous issue).

In that article, we anticipated the reaction of the defeated candidate and the fact that his failure to acknowledge the victory of the other, opens up scary possibilities - the suspension of the current president and his replacement with Mircea Geoană (who would be entitled to replace him as interim president due to his position as chairman of the Senate), the creation and rapid validation of the Klaus Johannis government and the recounting of votes by president Geoană - the lengthy period of chaos, with authorities losing their legitimacy, as the population has rallied around the two candidates.

Central Electoral Office -final results: Traian Băsescu 50,33% Mircea Geoană 49,66%

It"s extremely likely there"s been ballot fraud, just as it always happens, the issue is not of " who committed ballot fraud?"; the correct question is "on which side the ballot fraud was bigger?"

The following televised conversation between which took place yesterday between Victor Ponta, spokesperson for Mircea Geoană and a reporter:

"-How do you explain the fact that Băsescu won?

-Their system worked better.

-What are you talking about?

-Their fraud system.

-Does that mean that your ballot fraud system didn"t work as good as intended?"

The final reply of Victor Ponta was a completely pointless irony: "-This a question that speaks volumes about you!", even though the logic of the question was contained in the very explanations he had provided.

The same fractured logic is visible in the decision by PSD to challenge the outcome of the election, no later than one day after thinking themselves winners and urging Traian Băsescu to be a man and accept his defeat democratically.

"He doesn"t know how to lose, but he will learn", said Ion Iliescu about Traian Băsescu, and Mircea Geoană went even further : " I humanly understand (Traian Băsescu-ed. note) because it is not easy to be 30 percent ahead six months ago, and lose this campaign. But from the point of view of the politician Traian Băsescu, I think he needs to adapt quickly to this minimum democratic procedure of accepting defeat. I"m convinced he doesn"t enjoy it".

Of course, these reflections don"t seem to apply to Geoană when he is the one defeated.

In turn, Crin Antonescu had initially said that he would accept the results of the Central Electoral Office, but the next day, the Liberal Party joined the ranks of those requesting a recount of votes abroad.

Under these circumstances, Călin Popescu Tăriceanu suddenly popped onto the stage, saying that liberals should not rule out creating a government together with PDL, as long as liberals get the prime-minister position.

The equation is getting complicated, because Klaus Johannis said he no longer wants to run for Prime-Minister, and the alternative proposed by Călin Popescu Tăriceanu seems to take Crin Antonescu, Ludovic Orban and Norica Nicolai out of the game, even Dinu Patriciu himself (perhaps as payback because Patriciu stopped backing Tăriceanu after he was no longer a prime-minister).

Judging by yesterday"s moves in the political landscape, the fiery ambitions and the lack of cohesion puts on a path to a political crisis which is so serious, it makes the one we had before a joke.

But times of anarchy are the delight of currency speculators, for instance, who must be gleefully rubbing their hands - "The elections will be challenged?! It"s time to go long the leu against the Euro!"

People tied to businesses in the real economy are however concerned. Together with a group of bankers, they told their connections in the PSD and PNL that they are not happy with the challenge of the outcome of the election.

Which led to a certain toning down to a degree of aggressive statements by liberals and social democrats alike, allowing the voice of Tăriceanu to be heard a little louder.

If politicians heed the demands of businessmen, then we"ll see something unique - it would be for the first time in Romania when business interests would help us avoid a political and economic disaster.

Amen to that!

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