Romanian transporters are preparing protests

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 9 ianuarie 2009

Romanian transporters members of FORT have harshly criticized the Ministry of Transports for changing the fees for the services delivered by the Romanian Road Authority. "Just as the crisis is worsening, the Ministry of Transport, again stabs Romanian road transporters in the back", Augustin Hagiu, president of the Federation of Romanian Transport Operators (FORT) said, as quoted by Agerpress. In the Official Gazette part I of December 9th 2008 was published the Ordnance 1463 for amending the appendix with the fees levied for the services delivered by the Romanian Road Authority (ARR), order which bears the signature of Septimiu Buzasu - state secretary, instead of the Minister (at the time) Ludovic Orban.

,,According to this document, ARR has long ago prepared the necessary funds for "overcoming the crisis" at the expense of the Romanian transporters, and did this, just as, out of 24000 transport companies, only 12000 held a license in 2008, and only half of these 12000 were still effectively operating", Augustin Hagiu said.

Even though the activity of the Romanian Road Authority has shrunk by 50%, in just two years, ARR has "done its best" to make sure that any surviving road transporters will pay fees increased by 35-40 higher, the operators claim.

,,For example, the renewal of a certified copy will cost 70 RON more per vehicle, as of January 1st, 2009. All these steps were taken by the previous government on its way out, without notifying the professional associations, in blatant disregard of the Government"s Decree 314/2001 which provides the need to consult with social partners. While the road transporters are going bankrupt one after another because of the difficulties they are facing, the ruling authority, instead of taking urgent steps to reduce the effects of the economic crisis, increases operating taxes without any valid reason whatsoever", the president of FORT further emphasized.

FORT has issued an advance complaint against this measure, to the new Minister of Transportation, Radu Berceanu, requesting the voiding of the Ordinance 1463 and the initiation of the talks with the professional associations in the field, within the shortest delays.

,,In case we do not receive a favorable answer, we will initiate protests just like last year, and we will sue the Ministry of Transportation", Hagiu stated.
