Romania"s Social aid fund for gas has 24 million lei left to spend

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 6 februarie 2009

Romania"s Social aid fund for gas has 24 million lei left to spend

The amazing rate at which the price of oil and gas increased during 2007 and 2008 earned domestic gas producers "Romgaz" and "Petrom" tidy profits. Back then, the Government decided on the creation of a social fund for gas intended as an aid for families and single people using gas for heating their homes. After signing some protocols with the Ministry of Finance, "Petrom" and "Romgaz" paid a total of 172.4 million lei for the creation of the social fund.

The representatives of the Ministry of Finance and those of the gas producers said that "Petrom" paid 80 million lei, and "Romgaz" - 92.,4 million lei. According tot data provided by the Ministry of Finance, by December 31st 2008, of the social aid gas fund 148.3 million lei had been paid, an amount pertaining to the additional social aids for the months of February - March and November - December 2008. Ministry officials added the following: "We still have a 24.1 million lei balance. As the decree for creating the fund and the agreements concluded with the two companies would only be effective for the year of 2008, the Government"s Emergency Ordinance no. 226/2008, has approved the retaining of the amounts earned and unpaid in 2008, and their use for the same purpose in 2009".

Raising the money and making the payments for people in need of social aid will be done by the Ministry of Labor. According to the aforementioned laws, the two producers are no longer required to make any payments for the creation of a new fund.

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