Rompetrol Group Sells 3.45% in Rompetrol Well Services

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 22 iunie 2007

The Rompetrol Group NV, yesterday sold 3.45% in Rompetrol Well Services Ploiesti, namely 3.2 million shares. The shares changed hands through two Deal transactions, at a price of 2.01 RON/share. The intermediary in this transaction was SSIF EFG Eurobank Securities.

On June 27th, shareholders in Rompetrol Well Services will make a decision regarding a 4.63 million RON increase in share capital.

Oil industry service provider Rompetrol Well Services has a share capital of 9.27 million RON, divided into shares with a face value of 0.1 RON. The majority shareholder is The Rompetrol Group NV, with 70.40% in the company. Rompetrol Well Services is listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange as PTR.

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