Romsilva Lodges And The Interests Around Them

Tradus de Andrei Năstase
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 18 mai 2009

Romsilva Lodges And The Interests Around Them

Agriculture Ministry changes their mind: tens of Romsilva money-losing lodges are no longer for sale. However, another 616 sites managed by Romsilva are.

Catalin Deacu

The sale of the Romsilva lodges is probably one of the most controversial projects of the current Government. The Agriculture Ministry"s intention to sell the leisure and hunting lodges of the former dictator Nicolae Ceausescu has raised much suspicion as to the future owners. Some say that the future owners are no other than Government officials, especially PSD members, who like to hunt. But, surprise! The Agriculture Ministry has changed their mind and is no longer selling the Romsilva lodges!

However, they decided it is best to get rid not of some money-losing lodges, but of 616 buildings managed by Romsilva. Why? Agriculture Ministry State Secretary Gica Duta said "it was never the Agriculture Ministry"s intention to sell any of the 193 lodges of Romsilva. It was just a misunderstanding." According to him, the maintenance of the 616 sites, which include pheasant farms and various utility buildings, has become very expensive. "The electricity and security costs of those buildings are quite high. Many of the buildings are actually being evaluated," Duta said, adding that auctions would begin on 15 July.

"We intend to organize an open public auction at the headquarters of the Agriculture Ministry to prevent any suspicion," said Duta. He added that the 616 wickerwork shops would be appraised by an ANEVAR valuator. Some of the proceeds will be budgeted for the modernization of the Romsilva lodges. "Of the 193 lodges of Romsilva, only 60 are open for tourists. Some of the money resulting from the sale of the wickerwork shops will be invested in modernizing the lodges. Some of them will be upgraded to four stars," Duta said.

Forestry infrastructure development advancing at snail speed

Of the 60 million EUR that the Government borrowed from the Council of Europe Development Bank in 2006 for the development and rehabilitation of forestry infrastructure, Romania has only drawn 8 million RON so far. 2009 is the final year of the project but, according to Agriculture Ministry State Secretary Gica Duta, negotiations with the Bank led to an extension until 2011. Asked about the causes of this situation, Duta blamed exclusively the former leaders of the Ministry.

He added that, until the expiration of the loan agreement, the Ministry was planning to rehabilitate 1,278 kilometres of forestry roads until 2011 and plant forests on some 2 million hectares of degraded land.

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