Romsym Data Posts 40% Turnover Growth

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 18 ianuarie 2007

Romsym Data concluded last year with 5.1 million EUR in turnover, up by 40% yoy. Professional business management solutions generated most of the growth, with business intelligence and analytical projection solutions in the spotlight.

The company"s IT training Center posted a 100% growth on the volume of courses, reaching 250,000 EUR in turnover. In 2007, Romsym Data is planning to exceed 6 million EUR in turnover. Romsym Data is the first Romanian company certified for conformity with the international standard BS 7799-2:2002 for the implementation and maintenance of their proprietary information security management system. The certification was issued by the Romanian Quality Assurance Society (SRAC) and IQNet.

Romsym is one of the leading providers of IT solutions in Romania and a representative of renowned international developers such as Symantec, Arkeia, GFI, Patron Global, Alt-N Technologies, Adobe, Macromedia, Business Object, ACD Systems, WinZip, Install Shield Software etc.

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