Route of villages with traditional architecture - restoration, financed by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan

English Section / 22 august 2024

Route of villages with traditional architecture - restoration, financed by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan

Versiunea în limba română

The preservation of heritage buildings represents an important stake for the authorities, but also a bet of the present made with the past and the future. Twenty houses from Mureş county, eight from the village of Saschiz, whose historic center is included in the UNESCO site, and 12 houses from the village of Cloasterf, were selected for inclusion in the route of villages with traditional architecture, whose restoration is financed by the National Plan of Recovery and Resilience (PNRR). The mayor of Saschiz commune, Ovidiu Şoaita, said: "Through the PNRR, on the route of villages with houses with traditional architecture, we managed to obtain financing for the restoration of 20 households, eight from Saschiz and 12 from Cloaşterf, where they will function, after they will be restored, like museums that can be visited. These restored houses will remind us of the tradition and way of organizing our households. And what is even more important, the fact that we are renovating and restoring private properties with public money far from a regime of public buildings from the point of view of their operation. It was not easy for people to accept, because some commitments were made in the sense that they will allow me access to tourists to visit the households for 10 years, they cannot alienate 10 years for the building. Another condition was that if the money allocated from the program, the 60,000 euros, is not enough, the owners should contribute the difference for the works to be completed". The mayor specified that an essential condition for entering the financing program was that each house for which the sum of 60,000 euros is allocated for restoration must have heritage value and be selected by the commission made up of architects, the County Directorate for Culture Mureş, the Village Museum and the National Heritage Institute. "Renovation works have started, some of the houses are almost finished. One household, for example, will go to the carpentry side, because there was a workshop, another will function as a museum where all the objects will be presented and everything that worked in a traditional household, including the port. We believe that the works will be finished next year, and the houses will be open to visitors," said the mayor.

The houses from Saschiz and Cloasterf were selected in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, the route of villages with traditional architecture, from Pillar IV - Social and Territorial Cohesion, component C11 Tourism and culture and must be rehabilitated only by using traditional materials, so that the architectural value of the buildings is not affected.

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