Saving monuments, the central theme at the European Cultural Heritage Summit

English Section / 8 octombrie

Photo source: Facebook/ Europa Nostra

Photo source: Facebook/ Europa Nostra

Versiunea în limba română

Bucharest hosts the European Cultural Heritage Summit, the most important event dedicated to the preservation of European cultural heritage in the European Union, as well as the awarding ceremony of the European Heritage Awards/Europa Nostra Awards 2024. At the event, organized by the Europa Nostra network, with the support of the European Union , of the Ministry of Culture and the General City Hall of the Capital, under the patronage of the President of Romania, are attended by important experts and decision-makers in the field of cultural heritage, who will discuss public policy priorities at the EU level for the next period. In the first two days, on the sidelines of the summit, non-governmental organizations and professionals in the field of cultural heritage met, at ARCUB, to agree on the action priorities for the protection of the cultural heritage in our country, which will be included in a Manifesto for the protection of the heritage cultural from Romania, adopted by the participants. On the same day, also at ARCUB, the Forum of young professionals from Europe and Romania took place, to discuss issues and trends in the field of heritage. At the Auditorium Hall of the National Art Museum of Romania (Royal Palace), the European Heritage Excellence Day was held, during which the best practices in the field of heritage were presented, which are intended to contribute to building a more beautiful and sustainable. Yesterday, in the Throne Hall of the National Art Museum of Romania (Royal Palace), the European Heritage Hub Forum "Championing a Responsible Digital Transition for and with Cultural Heritage" was held, during which it was analyzed how the cultural heritage sector can and already embraces a socially and environmentally responsible digital transition. The ceremony for awarding the European Heritage Awards, granted by the European Commission (European Heritage Awards Ceremony 2024), took place at the Romanian Athenaeum. On this occasion, two projects from Romania were also rewarded - the Saxon Church in Alma Vii, Sibiu county, and the Church of Saint Michael, Cluj-Napoca. Today, in the Throne Hall of the National Art Museum of Romania (Royal Palace), the European Heritage Policy Agora event "Upholding Quality Principles in Heritage Conservation" is scheduled, this edition will focus on establishing the links between the EU's emblematic policies, such as Green Deal and New European Bauhaus, and the key documents regarding heritage conservation.The priorities in the management of cultural heritage will be discussed before the formation of the new European Commission, the debates will end with a Manifesto with the priorities of public policies in the field for the next period.

Founded in 1963, Europa Nostra is a pan-European federation of heritage NGOs, supported by a wide network of public bodies, private companies and individuals, covering over 40 countries. The Federation works to save European monuments, sites and landscapes in danger of disappearing, especially through the 7 Most Endangered Program. The network celebrates and disseminates excellence through the European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards. It is the largest heritage network in Europe, maintaining close relations with the European Union, the Council of Europe, UNESCO and other international bodies.

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