Schneider&Oechsler International To Start Production in Lipova

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 11 octombrie 2007

Schneider&Oechsler International will start production in Lipova, Arad County, next week, based on a 2 million EUR investment in a car wiring and parts factory. According to Lipova Mayor Viorel Popina, the investor has finished building the first of the two production halls. "They have bought the land in Lipova for 90,000 EUR. We are talking about the largest investment Lipova has seen in years," Popina said. The factory will start with some 200 workers and growth to approximately 600 workers.

Manager Thomas Gensa said the factory would manufacture small electrical engines, various components, wiring etc for a number of customers including Bosch, one of the main shareholders in Schneider GmbH. Schneider&Oechsler International was established by A&Th Schneider and Oechsler early last year. The factory is going to be the sixth site in the Lipova Industrial Park, which now hosts Metzko, Bianca, Alko Kraft, Electrometal and El Time.

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