The Ministry of Education is trying to adapt, on the fly, to the reality on the ground. The didactic activity with physical presence will be suspended where the situation requires it, stated the Minister of Education Ligia Deca in the context of meteorological warnings. According to the minister: "The didactic activity with physical presence will be suspended where the situation requires it. The safety of the children and all the staff in the schools is a priority and I ask the school inspectorates to offer the schools all the support they might need in managing any unpleasant situations that unfavorable weather conditions could generate them". The Minister requested the provision by ISJ/ISMB of a telephone number where urgent situations generated by adverse weather conditions in which children and their families may be involved can be reported. Ligia Deca asked the general school inspectors in the country to closely monitor the situation in the territory: difficult access to the educational units, the lack of electricity supply, the degree of damage to the educational infrastructure following the rains, the emergency transmission to the representatives of the Ministry of Education of any situation that could generate the suspension or development of the educational process in the online/hybrid system, the transmission, to the managements of the educational units, of the need for all IT equipment to be disconnected from the electricity supply sources, in order to avoid their failure in in case of interruption of the electricity supply. At the same time, the minister requested the general inspectors to communicate effectively and transparently with the parents/legal representatives of the children regarding the situation of the educational units, especially if the educational process is affected.
Schools will be closed where the situation dictates
English Section / 1 octombrie 2024