September in numbers

English Section / 9 octombrie

September in numbers

Versiunea în limba română

September 2

- Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, nominates Roxana Mînzatu for the position of executive vice-president of the European Commission, with the portfolio for employment, social rights and education.

- The BNR announces that, on August 31, 2024, foreign exchange reserves at the National Bank of Romania stood at 63,187 million euros, compared to 63,579 million euros on July 31, 2024. The level of the gold reserve remained at 103.6 tons. Under the conditions of international price developments, its value was 7,588 million euros. Romania's international reserves (currency plus gold) on August 31, 2024 were 70,775 million euros, compared to 71,029 million euros on July 31, 2024.

September 4th

- The shareholders of CCP.RO Bucharest approve the updated Business Plan of the Central Counterpart, the capital increase of the company by five million euros, the license contract with Euronext Clearing and the contract with the new technological service provider. Of the five million, three million euros represent the contribution of the BVB.

- The government approves, through an emergency ordinance, a partial fiscal amnesty that will benefit 330,000 companies and 848,000 individuals, who will pay their main outstanding debts to the state budget until November 31, 2024 August 2024.

- The gram of gold, quoted at the minimum level of the month: 358.721 lei, according to the BNR.

September 5

- Euro - at the lowest exchange rate of the month against the leu: 4.9711 lei, according to BNR data.

September 9

- The Ministry of Energy announces the launch of the state aid scheme in the form of contracts for difference (CfD), intended for the production of electricity from renewable sources, namely onshore wind and solar photovoltaic energy.

September 11

- The franc reaches the maximum exchange rate of the month against our currency: 5.3246 lei, according to BNR data.

September 12

- The dollar - at the highest exchange rate of the month against our currency: 4.5156 lei, according to the BNR.

September 13

- The BNR announces that, in the period January-July 2024, the current account of the balance of payments recorded a deficit of 15,178 million euros, compared to 11,328 million euros in the period January-July 2023. In its structure, the balance of goods recorded a deficit more high by 2,531 million euros, the balance of services - a smaller surplus by 1,303 million euros, the balance of primary revenues - a larger deficit by 538 million euros, and the balance of secondary revenues - a larger surplus by 522 million euros.

September 23

- The government adopts, through an emergency ordinance, the first budget rectification of the year, in order to adjust budget revenues and expenses, given the increase in the deficit and the need to finance essential areas such as health, energy and infrastructure. According to official estimates, after rectification, the budget deficit for 2024 will reach 6.94% of GDP, compared to the initial target of 5%.

September 24

- The NBR informs that the monetary mass in the broad sense (M3) recorded, at the end of August 2024, a balance of 693,601.3 million lei. This increased by 0.8% (0.6% in real terms) compared to July 2024, and compared to August 2023 it increased by 10.8% (5.4% in real terms).

September 25

- The exchange rate of the Swiss franc reaches the lowest level of the month against our currency: 5.2446 lei, according to the BNR.

September 26

- The gram of gold reaches the maximum price of the month: 382.8727 lei, according to the BNR.

September 27

- The Ministry of Public Finance announces that the budget deficit rose to 80.87 billion lei (4.57% of GDP) in the first eight months of this year, from 42.19 (2.63% of GDP) in the same period of 2023.

- The Minister of Energy, Sebastian Burduja, announces the launch of the "Offshore Wind Roadmap for Romania" report, produced by the World Bank, a document that foresees projects of 19 billion euros until the year 2035 in offshore wind capacities in the Black Sea, the commissioning of 7GW for the system national energy and the creation of a maximum of 77,000 new jobs.

- Euro reaches the maximum exchange rate of the month against the leu: 4.9760 lei, according to BNR figures.

September 30

- The BNR announces that, according to the annual statistical research carried out in collaboration with the National Institute of Statistics, the net flow of foreign direct investments (FDI) in our country was around 6.75 million euros in 2023, compared to 10 billion euros in 2022.

- The dollar - at the lowest rate of the month against our currency: 4.4451 lei, according to the BNR.

- The BET index, which reflects the evolution of the 20 most liquid securities from the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB), decreased by 2.93% in September, while the BET-BK index, the yield benchmark of investment funds in shares , depreciated by 2.85%.

- The BET-NG index, of energy and utility companies, had a decline of 3% in September, with most of the shares in its composition falling: OMV Petrom (-3.44%); Romgaz (-3.47%).

- Transelectrica shares depreciated by 22.48%, those of

Transgaz - by 4.37%, Electrica titles - by 6.68%.

- Banca Transilvania shares fell by 3.83%, those of BRD-Groupe Societe Generale - by 3.83%.

- Antibiotice shares, a newly included company in the BET index, increased by 12.59%.

- The BET-FI index, of the former SIFs plus Fondul Proprietatea, rose by 1.54%, being the only basket of shares from BVB that appreciated last month, due to the evolution of SIF securities.

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Curs valutar BNR

08 Oct. 2024
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9771
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.5290
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2985
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină5.9304
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur384.5900

convertor valutar


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