"Severnav" intends to borrow 2.35 million Euros

O.V. (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 14 iulie 2011

Severnav Drobeta-Turnu Severin announced in a communiqué sent to the Bucharest Stock Exchange that it intends to take out a loan of 2.35 million Euros from CEC Bank and Banca Transilvania. Shareholders will be called to vote on this proposal on August 16th.

Severnav was created in 1990, by restructuring "Întreprinderea de Construcţii Navale şi Prelucrări la Cald Drobeta-Turnu Severin" (Naval Construction and Hot Working Company). The line of business of Severnav is designing, building and repairing maritime and river ships.

The company"s most important shareholders are the Proprietatea Fund, which owns 39.1%, International Railway Services, which owns 29.05%, and Investment Group, which owns 21.33%.

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