Siemens Romania Aims for 4 Mio EUR Turnover In 2008

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 8 mai 2008

Siemens Romania is aiming for 4 million EUR in turnover in 2008, up from 1.7 million EUR last year, according to CEO Marius Toma. The company also reported sales of 250,000 fixed-line telephones between May 2007 and May 2008 and of 110,000 units in the first four months of 2008. The main buyer was Romtelecom, the largest fixed-line telephony company in the country.

At global level, Siemens landed 1 billion EUR in turnover and sold telephones in 69 countries. Siemens telephones are made in Germany and China. In 2004, BenQ acquired the mobile telephony division of Siemens, whereas the fixed-line one became stand-alone. Siemens was established some 160 years ago and is currently active in IT&C, automation & control, energy, transportation, consultancy, medical and lighting.

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