Siemens To Expand Within Tehnopolis Technology Park

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 6 martie 2007

Iasi Mayor Gheorghe Nichita said that Siemens VDO Automotive has solicited an additional surface area of 1.344 square meters within Tehnopolis Technology Park for the construction of a modular building. The land used for the construction of this building will be rented for 8 EUR/sqm and when the project is finalized, 300 new jobs will be created, according to Gheorghe Nichita.

Siemens VDO Automotive rented 2.000 square meters in the Technopolis Technology Park at the end of 2005, and in May last year the company opened a lucrative facility in Iasi, following the one in Timisoara. The company"s plans for 2006-2009 involve investments worth 4,3 million EUR, setting up a unit in Iasi, which will employ 500 people, and reaching a turnover of 20 million EUR.

Siemens VDO Automotive is known as a renowned supplier of electronic systems for the auto industry and the Iasi unit has three main activity directions: software developement, hardware developement and mechannical design.

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