SIF Banat-Crişana to pay out the dividends for the 2010 financial year

Paula Bulzan, Arad (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 6 iulie 2011

For shareholders owning less than 200 shares, dividends will be paid out in cash, at the Central Office of Banat-Crişana in Arad.

For shareholders owning less than 200 shares, dividends will be paid out in cash, at the Central Office of Banat-Crişana in Arad.

Financial Investment Company Banat-Crişana S.A. (SIF1) has begun the payout of dividends for the 2010 financial year, that were approved by the General Shareholder Meeting of SIF Banat-Crişana held on April 28th 2011.s

"Based on the applicable dispositions of the law, the payment of dividends will be made to shareholders registered on May 16th, 2011 (the registration date approved by the General Shareholder Meeting) in the Shareholder Registry kept by The Central Depository of Bucharest", according to a press release posted on the website of the company.

The value of the gross dividend per share is 0.103 lei, and the dividend tax will be withheld at the source according to the rates stipulated by the law.

The payment of dividends will be made through the Romanian Post Office, for Romanian shareholders with holding between 200 and 5,000 shares, with the exception of the shareholders who opted for receiving the payment through bank transfer or who haven"t cashed their dividends from the previous years. The postal warrants will be sent to the shareholders" Romanian address recorded in the Shareholder Registry on May 16th, 2011. The postal fees will be deducted out of the dividends.

For shareholders owning less than 200 shares, payment will be made in cash, at the Central Headquarters of SIF Banat-Crişana of Arad or at the company"s offices in Bistriţa, Bucharest, Cluj Napoca and Satu Mare. Dividend payment will be made subject to presenting a personal identification document (identity bulletin/card or passport). Payment to proxies will be made based on a special authenticated power of attorney (apostilled if the power of attorney is issued by a non-resident shareholder) and the attorney"s identity document.

For corporate shareholders, individuals owning 5,000 shares or more, and for shareholders who opted for this method of payment, payment will be made using bank transfer. Dividends will be transferred into a bank account in lei, opened with a Romanian bank indicated by the shareholder or by the custodian bank/brokerage firm. Individual investors who cashed their dividends from SIF Banat-Crişana in the previous year will receive their dividends in the last bank account which was used for this purpose, as long as they did not indicate a different account by June 15th, 2011.

The General Extraordinary Shareholder Meeting of SIF 1 approved the allocation of 56,531,475 lei for the payment of dividends pertaining to the 2010 financial year.

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