Soşoacă proposes a parliamentary position to the dismissed policeman Valter Kovacs

George Marinescu
English Section / 6 august 2024

Phoyo source: facebook / Cabinet Europarlamentar - Diana Iovanovici-Şoşoacă

Phoyo source: facebook / Cabinet Europarlamentar - Diana Iovanovici-Şoşoacă

Versiunea în limba română

Valter Kovacs is the one who in May 2024 lent his service motorcycle and police helmet to Diana Şoşoacă for a "photo shoot" He was dismissed by the MAI due to expressing opinions contrary to Romania's interests and violating the obligation to respect the confidentiality of acquired data during work

European deputy Diana Iovanovici-Soşoacă managed to once again ridicule the parliamentary elections that will take place on December 1, 2024, after stating that the former police officer Valter Kovacs, who was just dismissed by the MAI, due to critical attitudes in the public space at the address of the institution he belonged to, would be on the list of candidates of the SOS party for the parliamentary elections. We remind you that in May 2024, during the campaign for the European Parliament elections, Valter Kovacs lent his service motorcycle and police helmet to Diana Şoşoacă for a "photo shoot". From the position taken by Soşoacă in the case of Valter Kovacs, we note that practically any civil servant who supports her in her actions will fall into her grace and will be elected with some political or administrative benefits from the current European Parliament.

In a press release issued yesterday, after newspapers and news agencies reported that the Ministry of the Interior dismissed Valter Kovacs, Diana Şoşoacă says: "I offered Valer Kovacs the opportunity to be employed as my advisor in the Senate, and later this year, I told him very clearly that if the MAI fires him from his job, I will hire him as an MEP assistant and he will be the candidate of the SOS Romania Party for Parliament, and if SOS Romania reaches the government, Valer Kovacs is the party's proposal for the position of Minister of the Interior. The announced offer remains open for Valer Kovacs because this valuable man must continue his work in the service of Romanian citizens. (...) The dismissal of Valer Kovacs has nothing to do with the meeting between me and him in the electoral campaign, that event happened in May 2024, and the disciplinary investigation for which he was dismissed covered the period 2022-March 2024".

We note that in the press release issued by the MAI regarding the dismissal of Kovacs, it is stated that, in the last two years, he "offended some professional categories, expressed opinions contrary to Romania's interests or political preferences, violated the obligation to respect data confidentiality acquired during the service and disseminated materials that incited indiscipline". The Ministry of the Interior states that the disciplinary measure was taken according to the legal provisions, after completing all the procedural steps, at the proposal of the institution's Disciplinary Council.

According to the preliminary investigation report, between June 2022 and March 2024, the police officer "distributed in the public space, using several accounts on different social media platforms, but also by participating in TV shows, audio-video content which, through the message and the statements made, offended some professional categories as a whole (magistrates, etc.), expressed opinions contrary to Romania's interests or political preferences, violated the obligation to respect the confidentiality of data acquired during the service, disseminated materials that instigated indiscipline , was disrespectful towards colleagues or other people and did not ensure the correct information of the citizens".

Diana Şoşoacă claims that the statements of the MAI are false and that in fact Valter Kovacs complained about many irregularities within the Police and indicated CNAIR as the main culprit in the event of road accidents.

The police officer can appeal the decision against him, but his first action after the dismissal was to engage in a dialogue on Facebook with George Simion, the president of the AUR. According to this dialogue, Valter Kovacs would have been dismissed for taking a picture with MEP Cristian Terheş and for applying the most CNAIR sanctions, a fact that would have displeased Sorin Grindeanu, the Minister of Transport.

We also show that Valter Kovacs was also dismissed for the fact that he posted messages on social networks similar to those promoted by Diana Şoşoacă and had appearances on Zeus TV, alongside Luis Lazarus, who is now a European deputy from SOS Romania.

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