Sources: Future members of the Transelectrica Directorate selected on the basis of political affinities

George Marinescu
English Section / 31 iulie 2024

Sources: Future members of the Transelectrica Directorate selected on the basis of political affinities

Versiunea în limba română

Sources from the national company Transelectrica SA told us that the current selection procedure for the future members of the company's Board of Directors is a facade, the nominations of the five members will be made strictly on political criteria. The cited sources told us that yesterday the Nomination and Remuneration Committee (ed. - made up of members of the Supervisory Board), assisted by the independent expert from Pluri Consultants, already checked the eligibility conditions for the 38 candidates who have applied to fill one of the five positions on the Board of Directors of Transelectrica and it seems that, up to this point, 3 or 4 candidates will be rejected at this stage because they do not meet the eligibility conditions which are eliminators. Those who passed the eligibility check will constitute the long list of candidates who would take the interview.

"Practically, the component of those remaining on the long list will be unknown both to the general public and to qualified candidates. The long list will become a short list through the "care" of the members of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee assisted by the independent expert, members carefully selected by Mr. Marian Neacşu (ed. - deputy prime minister in the Ciolacu government) so that there are no surprises in the selection process and in order not to create slippages in the political understandings already established outside this procedure. The separation or rather the rejection of unwanted candidates will be carried out in a subjective way, on the same principles that were the basis of the selection of the AMEPIP leadership not long ago, which is why the chosen leadership was forced to resign, as following the recommendation/report received from the European Commission. Following the interview that each of the remaining candidates on the long list will take, without knowing in advance the concrete and clear way of scoring their answers, only the candidates established before the start of this pseudo-competition, "chosen" candidates, will remain on the short list » to occupy the positions of members in the Transelectrica SA Board of Directors", the cited sources told us.

Unfortunately, the entire process of selecting the members of the Transelectrica SA Directorate is non-transparent, in contradiction with the current provisions of GEO no. 109/ 2011. According to the procedure drawn up by the company that deals with the selection of members, Pluri Consultants SRL - a company about which the quoted sources claim to be part of the circle of Deputy Prime Minister Marian Neacşu - "the long list, the short list and the nomination proposals are confidential and will not be published; the results obtained by the candidates on each of the stages of the selection process will be communicated to them individually in the ways described above (ed. - by electronic means, i.e. by e-mail or sms or maybe by message on WhatsApp)". Furthermore, candidates will not even be informed of their score, but will be informed individually of the decisions taken regarding their candidacy at each stage of the recruitment process.

However, this totally non-transparent selection process of the members of the Transelectrica SA Directorate is not illegal. It takes place under the same conditions as the selection process for the members of the Board of Directors of the Bucharest National Airport Company, i.e. according to the previous provisions of the law approved last year on corporate governance in public enterprises.

This is clearly stated in Article VIII of GEO no. 31/2024, which stipulates in paragraph 1: "The composition of the board of directors or, as the case may be, of the supervisory board and the directorate is subject to the legislation in force applicable on the date of establishment of the board of directors or supervisors, normative acts that remain applicable until the date the appointment of the new administrators or directors or the new members of the supervisory board and the directorate according to the provisions of art. 5, 18 or, as the case may be, art. 29 and 35 of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 109/2011, approved with amendments and additions by Law no. 111/2016, with subsequent amendments and additions, as amended and supplemented by this law".

However, the recruitment of members of the Supervisory Board from Transelectrica SA, whose composition was established by Decision no. 1 of February 28, 2024 of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, was carried out based on the initial text of GEO no. 119/2011, the recruitment process being started based on point 1 of Decision no. April 5/27, 2023 of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders.

Law no. 187 regarding the amendment and completion of GEO no. 109/2011 was promulgated by President Klaus Iohannis only on June 28, 2023, being published in the Official Gazette no. 594 of 29 June, 2023. In other words, nothing prevents the members of the PSD-PNL governing coalition from appointing their henchmen to the Transelectrica SA Directorate.

We will return in one of the following editions with more details.

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