Financial investment firm Broker - Cluj Napoca reported the sale of 2.3 million shares in Mecanica - Ceahlau (RASDAQ:MECF), a manufacturer of farming and forestry machinery. The package represents 1.73% in MECF and was sold for 0.4 RON/share. Mecanica shareholders will convene on 25.
April to decide on increasing the share capital by 2.66 million RON by incorporating reserves. The increase will be performed by issuing free shares to existing shareholders. MECF"s share capital could increase by 20% to 15.99 million RON. The company concluded last year with a net profit of almost 1.93 million RON (534,600 EUR), down by 33.7% from 2006.
Currently, the share capital is 13.3 million RON, divided into 133.26 million shares with a face value of 0.1 RON. The majority shareholder is SIF Moldova with 55.19%.