Start-Up Nation 2024, approved by the Government

George Marinescu
English Section / 9 august 2024

Start-Up Nation 2024, approved by the Government

Versiunea în limba română

Yesterday, the government approved the Start-Up Nation 2024 program, with a budget allocation of almost 446.2 million euros, of which 80% are European funds from the Education and Employment Program 2021-2027 through the European Social Fund Plus, and 20% are funds from the state budget. The program will run for the next five years, with a maximum financial support of 50,000 euros for each beneficiary.

The new program aimed at developing the business environment in our country has two components. For the first time, the 2024 edition will include a training component. Thus, before submitting projects for financing, entrepreneurs will attend training courses to acquire entrepreneurial skills. The second component concerns the financing granted to young people who want to develop a business, financing for which the beneficiary must provide at least 10% of the requested amount.

Thus, from the total amount approved yesterday for financing Start-Up Nation 2024, 295.75 million euros were allocated to activate the entrepreneurial potential of young people, with the eligible target group being people aged between 18 and 30 years, and for the development of entrepreneurship they have were allocated almost 150.43 million euros for young people between the ages of 30 and 35 (not fulfilled at the time of registration in the related electronic application, which would be launched in September according to the recent statements of Radu Oprea, the Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism).

Start-Up Nation 2024 aims to contribute to the establishment of more than 7,750 small and medium-sized enterprises and the creation of more than 15,500 jobs.

In order for the entire program to be started, according to the substantiation note of the normative act approved yesterday, the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism must obtain, together with the management authority for the Education and Employment Program 2021-2027, the approval of the European Commission regarding this de minimis aid which will be awarded through Start-Up Nation 2024.

Also for the business environment, yesterday the Executive allocated another 150 million lei for the financing of state aid schemes managed by the Ministry of Finance aimed at subsidizing interest for companies through IMM Plus, compensating for the increase in fuel excise for transporters and production development projects.

On the agenda of the government meeting were also the additions of funds for the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration and for the Ministry of Health.

MDLAP received an additional allocation of 750 million lei to support public investments started through the National Investment Program "Anghel Saligny" and through the programs of the National Investment Company. The allocated funds will be used for the modernization of communal roads, the development of water and sewage infrastructure, the connection of localities to the natural gas network, waste management, the energy efficiency of schools, hospitals and public institutions, the modernization of nursing homes and student dormitories.

After last month the budget of the Ministry of Health was supplemented with 5 billion lei for investments in new equipment, but also to ensure better conditions for treatment and prevention, yesterday the Government allocated over 800 million lei to cover the expenses necessary for the radiotherapy program for patients with oncological diseases, settlement of insulin pumps for children with diabetes and appropriate medical treatments for patients who need dialysis services.

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