State Aid Exempted From Notification Obligation

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 9 februarie 2007

Experts from the Competition Council and the Environmental Fund Administration have finalized the projects for the regional state aid schemes that are exempted from notification obligation. Thus, the schemes will include the following eligibility criteria: undertakers receive state aid as grant, they are granted investment aid provided they are not firms in difficulty and the state aid must be granted only for the initial investment.

Also, according to said criteria, it is prohibited to grant aid contingent upon export performance, the aid intensity must not exceed 50% for Romania and 40% for Bucharest, while the beneficiary of state aid must contribute at least 25% of the value of the justified costs of the project.

According to a press release, the investment must be preserved in the area for at least five years, while taking into account the cummulative effects of any aid. State aid will not be granted for undertakers operating in the synthetic fibres sector, steel industry, shipbuilding, coalmining sector, agriculture, fishing.

State aids for categories exepted from classifications are not subject to notification obligation, the advisory opinion of the Competition Council being sufficient:

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