The cultural press received a refreshing "injection" from the authorities. The government approved, last week, an aid scheme for the editing of magazines and cultural publications, other than those proposed by the creators' unions. According to the Government, the aid scheme has a total value of 3.37 million lei, commitment credits and budget credits, valid until December 31, 2026: "Thus, broken down, the aid budget is 1.12 million lei per year, and the payments will be made starting from the date of the advance request by the beneficiaries, based on the financing contracts, without exceeding the date of December 31, 2027. The provider and administrator of the aid scheme is the Ministry of Culture, and the financing is made from funds from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture". Eligible beneficiaries are the associations, foundations or cultural operators whose activity is the editing of magazines or cultural publications in Romania, states the quoted source: "The maximum intensity of the aid that will be granted to each beneficiary is 100%, and the maximum estimated number of beneficiaries is 40, for each year. The aid scheme can finance direct expenses that include copyrights, material costs and services, expenses for printing and broadcasting, directing expenses that include personnel expenses and administrative expenses and prizes awarded by magazines and cultural publications". With the funding secured, cultural publications only have to take care of the topics covered.
State aid for cultural publications
English Section / 12 august 2024