Strengthening NATO's Eastern Flank - the priority of the member states of the B9 Format

George Marinescu
English Section / 12 iunie

Strengthening NATO's Eastern Flank - the priority of the member states of the B9 Format

Versiunea în limba română

Klaus Iohannis convenes CSAT

The other initiator of the B9 Format, President Klaus Iohannis, said that there is a need to improve security on NATO's Eastern Flank, especially in the Black Sea region, because its consolidation will lead to the full assurance of regional and Euro-Atlantic security for the 32 member states.

Klaus Iohannis stated: "For us it is extremely important that the deterrence posture is strong and the defense capacity is total. It is a matter that I have certainly said every time, and I will continue to say it, because this is the most important thing. Romanians want to be defended and Romanians are defended by NATO. (...) I had some more specific approaches and I noticed that I was the only one who mentioned these issues, this time, namely the support for Moldova, for the Republic of Moldova. It is the NATO partner most strongly affected by this war in Ukraine, through the large number of refugees, through the hybrid attacks, and we emphasized very clearly that we must help Moldova because it is a partner we want on our side. I also emphasized and even elaborated a bit on how important the Black Sea area is. This war is being fought in the Black Sea area, nowhere else in the world. This is where the war is. That is why it is extremely important for everyone to understand: the Black Sea area is vital for the security of the entire Euro-Atlantic space".

During the press conference that followed the B9 Summit, President Klaus Iohannis also spoke about the Patriot system that American President Joe Biden requested from Romania for Ukraine.

"The problem is topical, for sure, and I will convene a CSAT meeting for next week, Thursday, a meeting where this matter will probably be discussed," said Klaus Iohannis.

Moreover, according to a press release issued yesterday afternoon by the Presidential Administration, Klaus Iohannis convened the Supreme National Defense Council (CSAT) for Thursday, June 20, at 1 p.m. On the agenda of the meeting that will have place at the Cotroceni Palace, the following topics will be discussed: Romania's objectives for the NATO Summit in July 2024; the forces and means of the Romanian Army that can be made available for participation in missions and operations outside the territory of the Romanian state in 2025; the state and prospects of the conflict in Ukraine following the illegal and unjustified aggression of the Russian Federation. Implications for Romania; the analysis regarding the possibility of transferring a high-range Patriot surface-to-air missile system to the Armed Forces of Ukraine; approving requests for authorization to use 5G infrastructure equipment, submitted by two companies.

Note: The Bucharest 9 Format (B9) is an initiative launched by the President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, and the President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda, in which the NATO member states located on the Eastern Flank of the Alliance participate: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania , Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Hungary. The first B9 Summit was organized in Bucharest in November 2015.

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