Students learn to become "European Leaders"

English Section / 14 octombrie 2024

Students learn to become "European Leaders"

Versiunea în limba română

Future leaders are being prepared from a very young age. High school students from grades IX-XII can register to participate in the "European Leader" competition, which aims to develop high school students' leadership and public speaking skills, team spirit and the ability to mobilize groups to collaborate in the benefit of the community. "Leader European is a competition addressed to students from grades IX-XII in high schools in Romania. It aims to develop high school students' leadership and public speaking skills, team spirit and the ability to mobilize groups to collaborate for the benefit of their community ", informed the Ministry of Education. The competition also challenges participants to design projects for their communities on educational, social, cultural, economic or environmental themes. Students will be able to participate in teams of four. The deadline for applications is October 18.

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