Swiss Companies Interested In Romania"s Energy Potential

Tradus de Andrei Năstase
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 26 mai 2009

Swiss Companies Interested In Romania"s Energy Potential


Tourism, green energy, the food industry and especially bio food are the areas in which the volume of Swiss investments in Romania can increase, especially as all these sectors of the Romanian economy benefit from a number of governmental incentives, said Sorin Dimitriu, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the City of Bucharest (CCIB) and Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (CCIR), during a meeting with H.E. Livio Hurzeler, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Switzerland to Romania.

According to a press release to BURSA, Romania needs not only technology and equipment for the green energy, but also the local capacity to produce the equipment necessary for generating wind and solar energy. Although clean energy and the environment are priorities of the European Union, Romania currently uses only 40% of the hydro-energy potential and much less of the wind energy potential (estimated at 14,000 MW) and solar energy potential.

Ambassador Hurzeler emphasized Romania"s outstanding potential in research, green energy and food industry and stressed that the predictability of the legal framework regulating business in Romania was particularly important for the future development of bilateral relations. Ambassador Hurzeler also announced that Swiss businesspeople were interested in relocating a number of production facilities to Romania, as Romania was able to offer know-how, qualified labour and much smaller operating costs than in Switzerland.

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