"Synodal reprimands" for clerics and monks involved in electoral campaigns

English Section / 10 februarie

Photo source: patriarhia.ro

Photo source: patriarhia.ro

Versiunea în limba română

The Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church (BOR) approved, during a working session held under the presidency of Patriarch Daniel, a series of measures regarding the observance of canonical and statutory discipline among the clergy. Among these is the application of a "written synodal reprimand" for those who have violated the rules imposed by the Church. According to a statement issued by the Romanian Patriarchate, this decision concerns hierarchs, clerics and monks who have not respected canonical discipline and synodal decisions regarding the Church's involvement in political life and electoral campaigns. The Synod reaffirmed the obligation of all members of the clergy to respect these provisions.

Also during last week's session, the Synod approved the withdrawal from the service of Bishop of Sălaj of PS Petroniu Florea. The decision came following the decision taken by the Metropolitan Synod of the Metropolia of Cluj, Maramureş and Sălaj, which found the need to vacate the episcopal see and organize elections for a new hierarch at the next synodal meeting. The bishop's withdrawal takes place in the context of an investigation carried out by Cluj prosecutors, who are investigating his alleged involvement in facilitating the embezzlement of over three million lei from the assets of the Orthodox Diocese of Sălaj. Until the appointment of a new bishop, the interim leadership of the diocese will be ensured by the Metropolitan of Cluj, Maramureş and Sălaj.

The BOR Synod also decided, exceptionally, that the Archbishop-elect of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Atanasie Rusnac, may exercise the responsibilities of hierarch, with the exception of distributing the holy anti-masses and representing him before the British and Romanian authorities, until the date of his enthronement. The obligation of hierarchs to respect ecclesiastical discipline was also reaffirmed, as well as the synodal decisions regarding the ordination of clergy and their appointment to clerical and didactic positions within the dioceses.

The decisions taken by the BOR Synod reflect the efforts of the Patriarchate to impose respect for discipline among the clergy and to adapt the internal regulations to the current requirements of the Romanian Orthodox Church.

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