Tender participation announcement

English Section / 22 mai 2024

Beneficiary information:


Address: Industriilor no.3, Oneşti, Bacau County, Zip 601123

VAT identification data: RO 960322

Contact details:

Tender participation announcement

Means of communication: email, phone.

CHIMCOMPLEX S.A BORZEŞTI is inviting you to participate to the tender for the acquisition of license, basic engineering and technical assistance within the project "The establishment of a new sustainable epoxy resins production unit based on epichlorohydrin synthesis in Chimcomplex S.A Borzesti".

Name/object of acquisition: acquisition of license, basic engineering and technical assistance within the project " The establishment of a new sustainable epoxy resins production unit based on epichlorohydrin synthesis in Chimcomplex S.A Borzesti", project that benefits from financial support from the state budget through the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism based on the "State aid scheme regarding the granting of grants for investments intended for the manufacturing industry"

Object of the contract: The acquisition object is the license, basic engineering and technical assistance within the project " The establishment of a new sustainable epoxy resins production unit based on epichlorohydrin synthesis in Chimcomplex S.A Borzesti"

Project implementation site: CHIMCOMPLEX S.A Borzeşti, Industriilor Street, no 3, Onesti, Bacau County.

Type of contract: Service contract

Duration of the contract: according to the tender book published on the beneficiary's website https://chimcomplex.com/docs/announcements-of-intent-epoxy-resins-unit/

Estimated contract maximum value: EUR 11,5 million- VAT excluded.

The contract price must not exceed EUR 11,5 million - VAT excluded.

The award criteria applied within this procurement procedure is the criteria of the most efficient offer from the technical and economical point of view / the best quality-price ratio, according to the tender book published on the beneficiary's website https://chimcomplex.com/docs/announcements-of-intent-epoxy-resins-unit/

Offer validity: 60 days from the closing date (deadline) for submission of bids(offers).

The deadline for the offers (bids) transmittal is: 31 of May 2024 at 11.00 o'clock Romania time.

The offers(bids) will be sent, in English or Romanian language, electronically and printed on paper, in a closed envelope to the registering office of Chimcomplex S.A Borzesti, Industrilor street no.3, Onesti, Bacau County in Attn of: Anamaria Mardaru - Project Manager.

The content of the technical and financial offer and the bidder's qualification documents are detailed in the tender book

Date, time and place of bid opening: 31 of May 2024 at 12.00 o'clock, at the headquarters of Chimcomplex S.A Borzesti, Industriilor Street no 3, Onesti, Bacau County.

Tenderers shall have the right to participate to the offers opening session at the beneficiary's headquarters in Industrilor street no.3, Onesti, Bacau County.

The Tenderers may send requests for clarifications, to the following email addresses: anamaria.mardaru@chimcomplex.com and razvan.dogarelu@chimcomplex.com; not later than 3 days before the deadline for the offer sending.

The Beneficiary will respond to requests for clarifications received from tenderers within maximum 2 (two) calendar days from clarifications request receiving.

The Tenderers can visit the site within a maximum of 4 calendar days from the date of publication of the announcement on the website https://chimcomplex.com/docs/announcements-of-intent-epoxy-resins-unit/

The answers to the clarifications requests will be posted on the Beneficiary website https://chimcomplex.com/docs/announcements-of-intent-epoxy-resins-unit/.

In the situation of an extension of the deadline for submitting the offers is decided, as a result of the clarification requests received, such a decision will be published in the dedicated section of the website : https://chimcomplex.com/docs/announcements-of-intent-epoxy-resins-unit/ , also.

Additional details can be obtained from:

Contact Name: Anamaria Mardaru

Position: Project Manager

Phone: +40756139491; email: anamaria.mardaru@chimcomplex.com

We are waiting for your offer until the aforementioned deadline.


Florian STAICU Gabriela Costin

Project Manager, Chief Supply Chain Officer,

Anamaria Mardaru Razvan Dogarelu

"Obtained with financial support from the state budget through the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism"

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