The authorities consolidate the culture, literally

English Section / 27 noiembrie 2023

Photo source: facebook / TeatrulStelaPopescu

Photo source: facebook / TeatrulStelaPopescu

Versiunea în limba română

The authorities decided to support culture. I literally do it. The "Stela Popescu" Theater building, which is a historical monument, will be consolidated with non-refundable funds of 54.4 million lei, through the National Program for the Consolidation of Buildings at Seismic Risk. After consolidation, people with disabilities will be able to participate in the performances. In June 2022, the "Stela Popescu" Theater received administration, from the General Council of the Municipality of Bucharest, the building in Batiştei Street no. 14. By a decision from September, the building was reunited with the former Burebista Restaurant, following the purchase of the building by the Capital City Hall, in order to be able to consolidate it in optimal conditions, it being included in the list of buildings with the first class of risk since 2015 seismic. Built between 1932 - 1934, in the Art Deco style, the building on Batiştei Street was known as the Palace of Art, and after 1996 it housed the Cultural Center of the Municipality of Bucharest.

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