The Boc government cooked the budget books

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 17 martie 2009

The Boc government cooked the budget books

Nineteen columns of numbers were kept hidden from the public

The 2% deficit is the result of an accounting manipulation l Part of the domestic debt was ignored

The 2% deficit estimated in the State Budget - a number that no one believed - is the result of a shameless accounting fraud, as shown in the article written Daniel Ionescu, Doctor in Economics, called "The state budget (the true one, concealed and split according to the Constitution!)".

Daniel Ionescu claims that the Budget includes a part that has not been made public, that only 5 columns have been made available, while 19 others have been deliberately kept secret, so no one can check the numbers.

Following the examination of the "secret" numbers, we find that when doing the calculations correctly, with the numbers pulled from the Budget itself (numbers which are arguable as well), the state budget deficit for 2009 would be 3.73%, instead of 2.06%, announced by the Boc Government.Daniel Ionescu claims that the balance between 2.06% and 3.73% comes from the fact that the first version was made to include the budget surpluses of the numerous government agencies.

Daniel Ionescu claims that these surpluses should not be taken into account together with the deficits, just like in some kind of "connected vessels principle", for the simple fact that they are not part of the overall budget, but rather they remain available for the agencies in question to use and manage.

Such a manipulation can only be considered a hustle. And it"s only made worse by concealing the part of the budget which would have allowed people to notice it. The fact that the budget deficit for 2009 will be greater than what the Budget provides, was forecasted by most experts.

But no one was able to prove that in fact, the deficit would exceed 3%. Exceeding the 3% mark is a criteria that the European Union uses to launch the excessive deficit procedure.

Cooking the books was an attempt to avoid this danger. But at the same time, it hides from the nation the fact that the Government will be spending a large amount of money, an intention we didn"t have the slightest clue about.

Which is indeed, a hustle.

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