The boomerang speech

The boomerang speech

Dan Nicolaie
English Section / 23 octombrie

Versiunea în limba română

Dan Nicolaie

Gheorghe Hagi was an exceptional footballer, a good coach and (unfortunately for him) a catastrophic orator. It has often been said that people should not be so offended by the way he speaks and should pay more attention to what the coach-investor achieves. People may or may not be offended by Hagi's speech, the problem is that his monologues have started to get in the way of him.

In recent months, the owner of Farul Constanţa has complained about investment problems, the fact that he can no longer cope financially (obviously, no one doubts the problems), that other businessmen or even the state must help him, that the team can't do more. As repetition is the mother of learning, Hagi's students caught the message on the fly and began to behave as such: footballers on a small team, beset by all kinds of problems, with their minds elsewhere. Moreover, the message also gave wings to the opponents, who lost a large part of their respect for the team led with an iron fist by the former great footballer.

Farul was humiliated in the last stage in Giuleşti and sank into the basement of the standings. Hagi seems to have been knocked out, and his messages, which behaved like a boomerang that got out of control and turned against the one who launched it, contributed greatly to this.

Words fly, but sometimes we have to be careful about the direction of their movement. Sometimes they can cause damage where we least expect it.

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