On Thursday night, "BURSA" received the Award for the promoting of high standards of corporate governance on the capital market, as part of the 2017 Capital Market Awards Gala, organized by the Association of Brokers.
"BURSA" was the only publication awarded at the event.
MAKE, the president of the "BURSA" press group, received the award handed by Adrian Tănase, CIO NN Pensii, who is running for the position of CEO of the Bucharest Stock Exchange.
Adrian Tănase said: "The year 2017 was a bit more complicated for the stock market. The events concerning the private mandatory pension funds and the Bucharest Stock Exchange come to mind.
I also have a different perspective in terms of the communication that I had with an important pillar of the Romanian capital market, respectively the specialized press. I think that this communication was far from good and I hope that in the future, within the shortest delays, this communication will improve, creating the premise for a good understanding from the participants in the market and the large public on the events of interest for the stock market".
MAKE said, in his speech, that he had attended all the editions of the Gala of the Capital Market Awards and that he has been witnessing what had been happening on the stock market since before the Bucharest Stock Exchange existed.
MAKE said: "I was impressed by the speech of Mr. Tănase, I know that he is one of the candidates forwarded for the position of CEO of the BSE. I was pleased with what Mr. Drăgoi said (ed. note: Bogdan Drăgoi, the president of SIF Banat Crişana), that he would prefer a Romanian CEO, so would I.
This gala comes at a good time, on the edge between terms, and the new CEO, either Mr. Tănase, or the other candidate, (ed. note: Ciprian Păltineanu), has a difficult task, but also favorable situation, because as far as I know, he is not expected to continue any project that was left unfinished by the old CEO.
I want to wish the new CEO and I want for all of us to that he participate in the drafting of a new strategy for the development of the capital market. From my point of view, they should spend some money, not for nothing like was done before, but on some studies that would show where the money that is saved and is available and for investing on the capital market. That can be found, with name and address. A second thing I would like would be for the market to become richer in terms of segments, because it is currently rather dull - we only have Aero and the regulated market. That is not a friendly behavior for the issuers. It's pointless to try and persuade them to get listed, if the market segments aren't appropriate. It is necessary to meet them halfway and offer them market segments adequate for their needs, perhaps layered and easy to switch from one to the other. I want to thank you for this award and I want to assure you that regardless of the relations between us, - besides if there has been a conflicting relationship it was with the BSE, not with the Association of Brokers in which I am an honorary member, the BURSA newspaper has the vocation of the capital market. Over the last few years, we have added segments of public which relate to the banking, energy and other sectors, just as I recommend the BSE do the same. That doesn't mean anything else except we are promoting the Exchange market among other segments".
The 16th edition of the Capital Market Awards Gala.
Awards - 2017 Capital Market Awards Gala
-The award for the issuer with the highest turnover - BSE, stocks- BANCA TRANSILVANIA
- The award for the issuer with the highest trading value - BSE, shares - the SIF category - SIF BANAT CRIŞANA
- The award for the biggest stock price rise - BSE, regulated market - TURBOMECANICA
- The award for the biggest stock price rise - BSE, SIF category - SIF MOLDOVA
- The award for the biggest dividend yield - BSE, regulated market - SINTEZA
-The award for the best dividend yield - BSE, the AeRO market - BUCUR OBOR
-The award for the initiative to get listed on the regulated market of the BSE - DIGI COMMUNICATIONS NV
-The award for the initiative to get listed on the regulated market of the BSE - AAGES (The Association for the Application of Static Generators)
-The award for the initiative to get listed on the regulated tier of the BSE - TRANSILVANIA BROKER DE ASIGURARE
-The award for the initiative to get listed on the regulated tier of the BSE - SPHERA FRANCHISE GROUP
-The award for the issue of government securities on the BSE - THE MINISTRY OF PUBLIC FINANCES
-The award for corporate bonds listed on Bucharest Stock Exchange in 2017 - GLOBALWORTH REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS LIMITED
-The award for corporate bonds listed on the BSE - UNICREDIT BANK
-The award for corporate bonds listed on Bucharest Stock Exchange in 2017 INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT BANK
-The award for the promoting of high corporate governance standards on the capital market - the BURSA newspaper.