The "BURSA" newspaper has offered the diamond to its reader

(translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 23 noiembrie 2015

Honorary awards for the DNA and the DIICOT

All of the readers of the "BURSA" newspaper deserve the award of honorary member of the editorial office, for their steadfastness and appreciation shown in supporting us over the last 25 years.

Since we are not Big Brother, it is impossible for us to know them all, to find them and thank them personally, even though we would have wanted it.

Faced with the task of selecting a representative of the readers, which would pick up the award of honorary member of our editorial office, as part of the "BURSA 25 years" anniversary gala, we have resorted to the fair method of the draw.

The raffle decided that the "representative" of our readers is Adrian Anghel, of SAI SIRA, who, aside from the award, also received a diamond from BURSA, offered by Rosenberg Diamonds.

Other institutions that became honorary member of our editorial office include the National Anti-Corruption Department (DNA), the Department for the Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT), the Financial Oversight Authority - the Financial Instruments and Investments Department, the Romanian Banking Association, The Association of Brokers, SIF Banat Crişana, SIF Moldova, SIF Transilvania, SIF Muntenia, SIF Oltenia, C.N.T.E.E. Transelectrica, S.N.T.G.N. Transgaz, S.N.G.N. Romgaz, Electrica, Hidroelectrica, CEZ România, S.N. Nuclearelectrica, OMV Petrom, Romcab, Orange România, Vodafone România, Antibiotice, Alro.

The 25 year anniversary gala of the BURSA newspaper was attended by approximately 500 guests.

The first issue of the "BURSA" newspaper appeared on August 10th, 1990, as a tabloid which published classifieds.

From appearing once a week, the "BURSA" newspaper went to being printed twice a week, and three and four times a week. It subsequently began appearing daily, from Monday to Friday.

Its editorial profile has changed and from the very beginning of the 90s, BURSA has established itself as the most influential financial newspaper, becoming the opinion maker of the stock market.

Every year, the BURSA newspaper was praised with numerous awards at the Capital Market Awards Gala and at other events, for its editorials.

We want to thank our partners of the 25 year gala: Romcab, Complexul Energetic Oltenia, CEZ România, EximBank, Alpha Bank, SIF Transilvania, CEC Bank, BRD Groupe Societe Generale, Euro Insol, Piperea şi Asociaţii, Vodafone, Ţuca Zbârcea şi Asociaţii, Alro, Praktiker, Transgaz, Arcelor Mittal, Garanti Bank, The Professional Association of Private Services in Romania, Borsec, Romelectro, Burberry, Romgaz, Idea Bank, Electromagnetica, the Romanian Commodity Exchange, SIF Moldova, SIF Oltenia, the Romanian Counterguarantee Fund, the Fund for the Guarantee of Rural Loans, Baum Games, Rosenberg Diamonds, Nissa, Chivas, Cristallini, Schlumberger, Coca Cola, Ego Men's Fashion , Sephora, Alexandrion Grup România, Braiconf, the Cotnari Wine House, Stirom, Marrionaud, Avincis, Blondi Hair Studio, the Champollion Translation Office, Tipo Media.

The event was organized by the BURSA press group, with the help of the Budget, Finance and Banks Commission of the Chamber of Deputies. The event had the following media partners: Bucarest Hebdo, Bursa Construcţiilor, Agerpres, Hotnews.

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